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Safeguarding Statement

At Ohel Zedikim, we are fully committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals who engage with our organization, particularly vulnerable groups such as children and at-risk adults. This safeguarding statement outlines our commitment to creating a safe environment and preventing harm, abuse, and neglect.

1. Our Commitment We are dedicated to promoting the welfare of children, vulnerable adults, and all participants in our programs and services. We ensure that: All staff, volunteers, and trustees understand their safeguarding responsibilities. We follow strict procedures for recruiting, training, and supervising staff and volunteers. We work in partnership with external agencies, including local authorities, to ensure the safety of individuals in our care. 2. Safeguarding Policies and Procedures We have clear policies and procedures in place for identifying and responding to safeguarding concerns, including: Reporting and addressing allegations or concerns about abuse or neglect. Providing training to all staff and volunteers on safeguarding best practices. Conducting risk assessments for activities and services involving vulnerable individuals. 3. Reporting Concerns If you have any concerns about the safety or well-being of someone involved with Ohel Zedikim, please contact our designated safeguarding officer immediately. All concerns will be taken seriously and addressed in line with our safeguarding procedures. Contact:

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