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Writer's pictureE Gold

Massacre at Clifford's Tower 1190

The York pogrom of 1190, also known as the Massacre at Clifford's Tower, was a massacre of the city's Jewish community during anti-Semitic riots. The massacre took place over the night of March 16–17, 1190, when a mob trapped around 150 Jews, including 20–40 families, inside Clifford's Tower in York Castle: 

The mob was likely encouraged by wealthy noblemen who wanted to get rid of their debts to Jewish money-lenders. The Jews realized they couldn't hold out against the siege, and many chose to commit suicide rather than be murdered or forcibly baptized. Some say that Josce of York was the first to act, killing his wife and children before being killed himself by Yom-Tov of Joigny. The 11th-century timber tower was burned down during the massacre. 

The massacre is considered one of the worst anti-Semitic massacres of the Middle Ages and is of major significance to Jewish history. It is described in detail in administrative documents and by numerous chroniclers, and the events are still remembered around the world.

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